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CASA Contact List - NYC

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Views: 68691
Posted: 09 Mar, 2009
by David Silva (New York Legal Assistance Group)
Updated: 01 Nov, 2021
by Valerie Bogart (New York Legal Assistance Group)

The NYC Medicaid Home Care Services Program, which is part of the NYC Human Resources Administration Medical Insurance Community Services Administration (MICSA), also known as the Medicaid program, formerly was responsible for administration in  NYC for three types of Medicaid "personal care" services -- home attendant, housekeeping, and Consumer Directed Personal Care Services.  (CDPAP).  

  • See this official HRA list of CASA offices, now only one in each borough.  (Note that the Brooklyn CASA moved in late March 2018 from 88 Third Avenue to 404 Pine Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11208.  It reportedly will move again to Schemerhorn Street later in 2018)

  • See this HRA HOME CARE SERVICES PROGRAM  (HCSP) contact list  updated 9/9/2020 from HRA.  The PDF at that links includes HRA MICSA Alert dated July 22, 2021 announcing a new email address for inquiries for HCSP - hcspinquiries@hra.nyc.gov
  • Until September 2012, anyone who needed any of these 3 types of home care services would apply to the  "CASA" office based in each borough.   The CASA offices processed both the Medicaid application and the request for home care.

  • As of November 2012,  the main way for adults over age 21 who have MEDICARE to apply for Medicaid home care is to first apply for MEDICAID at:

HRA--HCSP Central Medicaid Unit (new address Jan. 14, 2013)
785 Atlantic Avenue, 7th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11238       T: 929-221-0849

and then obtain a Conflict Free eligibility evaluation from NY Medicaid Choice, and tehn enroll in a Managed Long Term Care plan.  

  • IMMEDIATE NEED.  Because the process of applying for MEDICAID and then enrolling in an MLTC plan can take a long time, adults may alternately apply for MEDICAID and, at the same time, Personal Care Services or Consumer Directed Personal Assistance ((CDPAP) through the IMMEDIATE Need Process.  See information about that procedure here.  Do NOT apply directly at a CASA.  Use the dedicated E-Fax Number to the HRA Home Care Services Program -- 1-917-639-0665.  You must include the documents listed in this article. See this Fact Sheet.
  • OTHER EXCEPTIONS to the MLTC REQUIREMENT - Who else may request Personal care or CDPAP from the HRA Home Care Services Program instead of Enrolling in an MLTC?

    • HOUSEKEEPING - The Home Care Services program still accepts M11qs/ applications for people who SOLELY need Medicaid HOUSEKEEPING services and no personal care.  These services are limited to 8 hours/week and provide assistance with shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry and other household chores when needed because of disability.  They do not provide assistance with "activities of daily living" such as bathing, dressing, ambulation, toileting or transfer.  See MLTC Policy 13.21: Process Issues Involving the Definition of Community Based Long Term Care  and this MICSA ALERT 

  • Adults who do NOT have Medicare and are not yet enrolled in a Medicaid managed care plan; or
  • Adult Medicare beneficiaries who are enrolled in a hospice benefit, or

  • Adults who have waiver services through the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Nursing Home Transition & DIversion Waiver program, or are in the OPWDD waiver

  • Are under 21 years old, though those who are age 18-21 and don't have Medicare have the option of applying to the CASA offices or enrolling in a Managed Long Term Care plan, if their functional needs are extensive enough that they would otherwise qualify for nursing home care.  

 See this article for tips on  applying for Medicaid home attendant services (aka "personal care assistance") in New York City, for those who may still apply at the CASA offices -- everyone else must apply to a Managed Long Term Care Plan.  t

Please be courteous and exercise restraint when contacting staff on this list.  If you have an issue to resolve, the best practice is to start calling at the bottom of the hierarchy.  Only move up the chain of command to supervisors or managers if the junior staff are unable to resolve your issue.  By showing respect to agency staff, we can ensure that they will remain responsive to inquiries from advocates, caregivers, and consumers.  Thank you for understanding.

This site provides general information only. This is not legal advice. You can only obtain legal advice from a lawyer. In addition, your use of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship.  To contact a lawyer, visit http://lawhelp.org/ny. We make every effort to keep these materials and links up-to-date and in accordance with New York City, New York state and federal law. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Attached files
item 2020-09 NYC Home Care Services Program -CASA directory.pdf (309 kb) Download
item Disenrolled Housekeeping Case Consumers (MLTC) 8-13-13.pdf (65 kb) Download
item CASA List (HCSP-3037 English) 12-4-2023.pdf (74 kb) Download

Also read
item Medicaid Personal Care or Home Attendant Services
item Medicaid Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) in New York State - Big Changes Coming 2025!
item The Various Types of Medicaid Home Care in New York State
item Managed Long Term Care
item Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Waiver Programs in New York State
item Tools for Choosing a Medicaid Managed Long Term Care Plan
item Applying for Medicaid Personal Care or CDPAP Services in New York City - 2021-2022 Changes

Also listed in
folder Medicaid -> NYC Medicaid Contacts, Policies & Forms

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MLTC Members in Nursing Homes for 3+ Months Being Disenrolled...       Tools for Choosing a Medicaid Managed Long Term Care Plan

This site provides general information only. This is not legal advice. You can only obtain legal advice from a lawyer. In addition, your use of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship. To contact a lawyer, visit http://lawhelpny.org. We make every effort to keep these materials and links up-to-date and in accordance with New York City, New York state and federal law. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of this information. To report a dead link or other website-related problem, please e-mail us.