358-3.2 Right to priority in hearing and determination.

Priority in scheduling of your hearing and determination will be provided when:

    (a) you are an applicant for emergency assistance to needy families with children, emergency assistance to aged, blind or disabled persons or emergency home relief and you are appealing the denial of such benefits; or

    (b) your circumstances warrant priority in scheduling and your hearing is being scheduled because you have:

        (1) no food; or

        (2) no shelter, or your shelter is imminently about to be lost or terminated; or

        (3) an inadequate or inappropriate emergency shelter placement; or

        (4) an eviction/dispossess notice; or

        (5) no fuel for heat during the cold weather period; or

        (6) a utility disconnect scheduled for a specific date; or

        (7) a utility shut-off; or

        (8) need for rental security deposit, broker's fee and/or first month's rent, if necessary to obtain permanent housing, and failure to expedite processing will lead to loss of such housing; or

        (9) urgent need for medical care, services or supplies; or

        (10) a denial or discontinuance of or inadequate personal care services; or

        (11) a denial or discontinuance of or inadequate adult protective services; or

        (12) been involuntarily discharged from a tier II facility as defined in Part 900 of this Title and you requested and participated in a hearing, held by the facility or by the social services district in which the facility is located, to determine whether you should be involuntarily discharged; or

        (13) any other problem which is determined, in the department's discretion, to be an appropriate subject for priority processing and which presents a crisis situation or a threat to your health and safety or that of your family.

    (c) you are requesting a fair hearing concerning your food stamp benefits and your household is planning to move away from the local social services district before the fair hearing decision would normally be issued; or

    (d) you have been denied public assistance under the aid to dependent children program for yourself or your dependent child because:

        (1) you are under the age of 18;

        (2) you have never married;

        (3) you either reside with and provide care for your dependent child or are pregnant;

        (4) you are not residing in a place of residence maintained as a home by your parent, legal guardian or other adult relative or in an adult-supervised supportive living arrangement; and

        (5) you have alleged that your physical or emotional health or safety or that of your dependent child would be jeopardized if you or such child lived in the same residence with your parent or legal guardian and an investigation conducted in accordance with section 424 of the Social Services Law did not support your allegation.

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