373-2.5 Continued coverage of recipients who receive increased earnings from
(a) If a refugee, an asylee or a Cuban/Haitian entrant who is receiving
RMA receives earnings from employment, the earnings shall not affect his or her continued
RMA eligibility.
(b) If a refugee, an asylee or a Cuban/Haitian entrant who is receiving
Family Assistance or Medicaid has been residing in the United States for less than the
time-eligibility period for RMA, and becomes ineligible for either program because of
earnings from employment, the individual must be transferred to RMA without a RMA
eligibility re-determination.
(c) The provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section apply to a
recipient of RMA until the recipient reaches the end of his or her time eligibility period
for RMA as described in section 373-2.3(c) of this Part.
(d) In cases where a refugee, an asylee or a Cuban/Haitian entrant is
covered by employer-provided health insurance, any payment of RMA for that individual must
be reduced by the amount of the third party payment.