August 2013


Employing the Disabled Homeowner ‘protection’ is a peril SNAP- Fiscal Year 2014 Cost-of-Living Adjustments and ARRA Sunset Impact on Allotments Study: Women more likely than men to delay homeownership because of student debt


State targets ‘payday lenders Obama Looks to End Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Half of $1 trillion in federal student loan debt not repaid The fight to protect vulnerable homeowners from predatory lenders is not over Whack-a-Mole: How Payday Lenders Bounce Back When States Crack Down


Measuring the Effect of Medicaid Expansion Congress Pushes Supreme Court on Ethics Rules CFPB: A closer look at the trillion (student loan market) Article: Lost Wealth: Why the Real Estate Industry Should Hate Student Debt Maintaining Community Medicaid Budgeting During Temporary Nursing Home Stays


New York State Rethinks Medicaid Bill protecting service members from foreclosure gains traction NY Times: U.S. Prison Populations Decline, Reflecting New Approach to Crime Bi-Partisan Partnership Helps to Advance Workforce Legislation in the Senate State and Local Coverage Changes Under Full Implementation of the Affordable Care Act


Cuomo Signs Law to Curb “Shadow Docket” New forms take hold as defense against discrimination claims CFPB: Mid-year snapshot of private student loan complaints SNAP Benefits Will Be Cut for All Participants in November 2013 The Nation: Why Do the People Raising Our Children Earn Poverty Wages? NCLEJ and Western New York Law Center Sue …

8/2/13 Read More »


CLASP: Declining Wages Require Growing Income Supports Twenty-Something … and Ready to be Adopted Foreclosure Counseling: Areas of Greatest Need in 2013 New York State Investigates Disqualification of Customers by Banks Nonstandard Work Schedules and the Well-being of Low-Income Families Air Conditioners Available to Low Income People with Medical Needs – 2013 Cooling Assistance Program