January 2017


New Job Opening Posted Report: How States Use Funds Under the TANF Block Grant Could Good, Affordable Housing Solve Farmworker Shortage? Two of the top credit reporting companies agree to pay $23M to resolve deceptive marking claims


HRA Materials Updated New Job Openings Posted NALP report on law firm diversity highlights ‘incredibly slow pace of change’ Retailers Ask Congress To Please Not Roll Back Dodd-Frank Debit Card Reforms Argument preview: What level of educational benefit is “appropriate” for children with disabilities?


CBPP: Greenstein: “America’s concern for the poor is about to be tested” Former ITT Tech Students Sue To Be Included In Bankruptcy Proceedings Argument preview: Bad-faith discovery sanctions, inherent authority and direct causation What you need to know: Understanding why offers for “your” credit score are not all the same


Charitable Status for “Hate Groups”? Chief Justice Roberts releases year-end report Ohio Has the Highest Payday Loan Prices in the Nation This lawsuit claims feds needlessly force disabled borrowers to lose benefits over student loans